The LBS Target Group Network Association
The LBS Target Group Network association has formally existed since March 15, 2023. The association was established in accordance with the LVHC frameworks to promote cohesion and coordination between healthcare organizations in the LBS chain and is part of the LVHC network. In this way, unity is ensured in the care for and support of people with LBS. In addition, the association focuses on developing and sharing knowledge, expertise and skills about care and support for people with LBS in collaboration with the LBS Knowledge Center.
Logo of the LBS Target Group Network Association.
The members of the association are all recognized centers of expertise (DEC and REC) for people with LBS and the patient association In this way, the LBS Target Group Network association represents the voices of patients and the relevant healthcare providers in the field of LBS. The organization chart below further elaborates on how the association is structured. The organisations and the patient association take place in the general meeting, the directors of the healthcare organisations and a representative of the patient association sit in the board meeting. Within the general meeting, there is also room for partners to join, such as organisations that are not recognised centres of expertise. Partners do not have voting rights, but can give their input. Libra is an important chain partner for the association because they offer early intensive neurorehabilitation (VIN). VIN is not part of long-term care and Libra is not a REC/DEC, but it is often the first place in the chain where people with LBS end up. Finally, the association is supported by a coordinator from the Knowledge Center for good coordination between the association and the Knowledge Center.
The association functions as a controlling body for the Knowledge Centre, in this role it approves annual plans, capacity deployment and annual reports. In addition, the association contributes to the national funding and the (strategic) positioning of LBS care. To this end, the healthcare funding working group has been set up in which the controllers of the organisations take place. The association identifies bottlenecks in the LBS chain and provides feedback to the Knowledge Center where necessary. Finally, the chairman of the association participates in the LVHC administrative consultation in which the embedding and developments for all LVHC groups are discussed.