A Nacoma Symposium 2023: With Wind in the Sails
towards appropriate care for people with severe acquired brain injury (ABI)
On Thursday 8 June, EENnacoma symposium: With wind in the sails: towards appropriate care for people with severe acquired brain injury (ABI). The day started with an impressive experience story from two loved ones about the impact of severe ABI and the experiences in the care chain.
Dr. Jan Lavrijsen delved with us into the history of the research group Nobody between Shore and Ship. From the mission of that time, it was explained where we came from, where we are now and what new challenges there are to ensure that no one is left behind.

Subsequently, Sander Ranke, network coordinator of EENnacoma, talked to Dr. Liselotte de Boer, Suzanne Egelmeer, Jesse Smit and Dr. Henk Eilander. This panel of psychologists works in the various phases of the care chain. The session gave a nice picture of the experiences of the psychologists within the different phases of the chain and what the network has meant for them. After the panel discussion, dr. Willemijn van Erp will give a look at the challenges and opportunities for academically embedded care for people with severe ABI.
At the end of the morning program, we reflected on a new milestone within the network: the recognition of the Target Group Network for people with LBS. Years of preparation and dedication have led to successful visitations of the expertise centers involved, the LBS knowledge center and the target group network. By reaching this milestone, a period of transition closes and we are at the beginning of a structural phase. This special moment was celebrated extensively.

During the break, visitors were given ample time to network, walk through the knowledge festival and view the very special exhibition 'The unmasking of brain injury'. To 'unmask' awareness of the impact of brain injury, patients, relatives and caregivers have painted their story especially for this exhibition.

After the break, the program continued with three interesting break-out sessions and to conclude the day, a plenary session by Prof. Dr. Steven Laureys was on the program. In this session, he talked about his search for consciousness and about what and where this journey has brought him in the last 10 years.
We want to thank everyone for the wonderful day and we hope to see you again next time at the EENnacoma symposium!