
Working visit South Korean professor

13 September 2023

From 7 September 2018, Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine Jongmin Lee paid a three-day working visit to EENnacoma. He is affiliated with the Konkuk University School of Medicine in Seoul and has a special interest in people with severe ABI and LBS in particular. Because hardly anything has been developed in his country for people with LBS after the hospital, he was personally informed about what has been developed in the Netherlands after a conference in Lyon.


Jan Lavrijsen, Jongmin Lee, Berno Overbeek

At Radboudumc, he was informed about the history, topicality and context of the developed chain, linked to research, the network and the development of a knowledge center with centers of expertise (photo 1 with Jan Lavrijsen and Berno Overbeek). The recent research into minimal conscious state was also presented. On the second day, he was a guest at PZC Dordrecht, where the team introduced him to Long-Term Intensive Neurorehabilitation (LIN) and chronic care for people with LBS (photo 2 with Manju Virk and Agnes Den Besten). The third day was dedicated to Early Intensive Neurorehabilitation (VIN) at the Leijpark location of Libra Rehabilitation and Audiology in Tilburg (photo 3 with Kim Santegoets, Henk Eilander and Jan Lavrijsen). There he also met Henk Eilander (photo 4) to be informed about the pioneering phase of neurorehabilitation and the collaboration with long-term care from the 80s onwards.


Manju Virk, Jongmin Lee, Agnes Den Besten


Jan Lavrijsen, Henk Eilander, Kim Santegoets, Jongmin Lee

Henk3 Uitleg

Henk Eilander, Jongmin Lee

During the working visit, the previous and ongoing research was also explained and he witnessed contacts with patients. He indicated that he has gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration that he can use in his own country to develop a care model. Thanks to all employees who contributed to the working visit.