
Winner Henk Eilander Prize 2024!

27 June 2024

The Henk Eilander Prize was created in 2023 to give an impulse to innovations aimed at improving the well-being or functioning of people with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) or their loved ones. Think of a new form of guidance or treatment, a new application of techniques or investigating the effects of the use of aids. All organizations of EENnacoma were given the opportunity to win an amount of no less than €5,000 with their entry.


The jury consists of Dr Henk Eilander (namesake of the prize and developmental and neuropsychologist), Bea Notenboom (quartermaster coordinator target group network LBS) and Nicole Janssen (network coordinator EENnacoma).

A total of 9 entries from six different organizations (Libra, Careyn, PZC, WZH, Thebe and Accolade) were submitted by a variety of disciplines such as music therapists, scientific staff, team leaders, speech therapists, occupational therapists, welfare staff and psychologists in various forms such as a video, presentation, poster or text.

The jury was very pleased with the entries! The content and creativity shows that the employees involved have put a lot of time and effort into it. If we look at the types of entries, we can distinguish a number of them:

  • Two are aimed at improving procedures and skills of the care team
  • Three are aimed at improving the physical condition of the patient
  • Two are aimed at offering a variety of sensory information (stimulation)
  • Two are aimed at provoking and enabling reactions
  • No entry was specifically aimed at relatives, in 1 entry relatives are mentioned to be involved in the elaborations.
  • More than half of the entries used specific technical tools


Below is an overview of the entries:


During the EENnacoma symposium on 20 June 2024, it was revealed who would be the first to receive this year's Henk Eilander Prize. The jury explains:

"The jury was impressed by the presentation of a program in which the original idea of sensory stimulation has now, so many years later, taken on a new dimension at the end of the chain. Both the goal (well-being), the content with various innovative means, and the form in a special room with an eye for the individual needs of the LBS resident and the process towards it, with the entire team of the department, led us to the decision to award Careyn's entry under the title "Er Wel zijn!" the Henk Eilander Prize. "