Target group network for people with a Long-Term Consciousness Disorder (LBS) receives recognition as an LVHC knowledge and expertise target group network
26 May 2023The CELZ warmly congratulates the LBS target group network on obtaining the positive expert advice and would like to express its great appreciation for the many years of effort and commitment from the network, the professionals and the care providers to give substance to the structural safeguarding of knowledge and expertise for the clients and relatives from the LBS target group.
The Committee for Long-Term Care Expertise Centres (CELZ) was set up by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport in 2019 to set up and implement a knowledge and expertise infrastructure together with the field for target groups with clients with a low volume and high complex demand for care (LVHC). The target group of people with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) is one of these target groups. In May 2023, the CELZ determined, on the basis of an independent visitation, that the LBS target group network, the Knowledge Centre, the target group expertise centres (DECs) and the regional expertise centres (RECs) meet the criteria drawn up for this purpose. LBS is therefore the3rd LVHC target group network after Korsakov and Huntington that has received a positive expert advice from the CELZ.
Marieke Braks, chair of CELZ: 'Targeted knowledge, expertise and research is important for the quality of life and care for the LVHC target groups. Meeting LVHC criteria is not easy. Due to the very low number of clients and the intensive care in this target group, this also requires a specific interpretation. The LBS target group network has ensured in a meticulous program that knowledge and expertise for clients with LBS and their loved ones in all areas of life are developed and secured. During the working visits in 2021 and 2023, we heard the motto 'if it can be done somewhere, it can be done here'. And we have seen and experienced that! We are proud of and impressed by the design, structure and scientific research of the LBS target group network and experience it as an important milestone that the knowledge and expertise for these clients is recognised, available and further developed. The target group and everyone associated with it receives a big compliment for all the work that has been done for years in the service of these clients and loved ones. We wish the target group network every success in its further development.'
Jan Lavrijsen, program leader transition phase LBS target group network: "This recognition is a great boost for everyone who shares our mission to improve care for this target group and has contributed to it. It is an irreversible milestone after years of passionately pioneering and connecting in an as yet unknown and hidden field of work and research, especially in long-term care. With the recognition, the further development, application and dissemination of this specific knowledge will receive a powerful boost. So that in our country this target group and their loved ones no longer fall between two stools."
Ment Gillissen, chairman of the LBS Target Group Network Association: "The Target Group Network Association for people with a long-term consciousness disorder has only been around for a short time, but fits in seamlessly and formalizes existing partnerships. The recognition of the LBS target group network offers perspective for the further development of a good and solution-oriented form of cooperation and coordination of practices and research. It is an opportunity to further develop the existing forms of care in the knowledge that the systematic improvement of practice is an unruly task that is served by the form of cohesion that has taken shape around a long-term disorder of consciousness."
In the care landscape of the LBS target group network, the following organizations have received a positive expert advice: Knowledge Center LBS at Radboudumc, Accolade Zorg (DEC), PZC (DEC & REC), WZH (DEC & REC), Careyn, (REC).
The healthcare organizations will receive an award as of January 1, 2024. Due to the positive expert advice, the Knowledge Center LBS at Radboudumc was able to claim the available subsidy amount as of May 10, 2023. On 21 July, Jan Lavrijsen and Sander Ranke received a letter of allocation via ZonMw for an annual grant of €470,000 for the LBS Knowledge Centre. For 2023, an amount of +/- €387,0000 applies,-. This gives a considerable boost to the implementation of the plans made for which the LBS knowledge center has been visited.