
LBS Target Group Network Association established

12 May 2023

People with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) fall under the national so-called LVHC (low volume high complex) target groups in long-term (Wlz) care. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has determined that there is a need to strengthen the knowledge (infrastructure) for these target groups. Criteria have been drawn up as a condition for structural funding, and having an association for the target group network is one of them.

On March 15, 2023, the Association Target Group Network for people with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) was established as a formalized target group network with the aim of developing, sharing and securing the necessary knowledge and skills. (Important goal v healthcare landscape is missing here, see criterion; that is very important for many stakholders, including other institutions; would make new sense of it) The association consists of the long-term care organizations where patients with LBS stay and patient representation. They are/will be visited as a target group experience centre (DEC) or regional expertise centre for people with LBS in long-term (long-term) care. An independent chairman has been appointed by the association, Mr. Ment Gillissen. Ment likes to be involved in helping to shape collaborative projects of organizations that provide care. The patient is always central to him.

The Association has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Radboudumc and is therefore connected to the LBS Knowledge Center. The LBS Knowledge Center, in particular long-term care, stems from the research group 'No one between two stools'. The trusted cooperation within EENnacoma will continue for the broader target group of severe ABI.