
Jan Lavrijsen guest in the podcast of Medisch Contact

14 July 2023

No one with a long-term disorder of consciousness will fall between two stools from now on. Geriatric specialist Jan Lavrijsen talks about this successful example of low-volume, high-complexity care (LVHC) in the Medisch Contact studio. During the EENnacoma symposium, he also explained the abbreviation for this target group as Persevering Long with High Compassion.

Recently, the VWS committee Expertise Centres for Long-Term Care (CELZ) issued a positive expert advice on the target group network for people with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS).

A special recognition that Jan is very proud of: 'After years of connecting with passion in an as yet unknown and hidden field of work and research, this recognition is a powerful impulse for the further development, application and dissemination of this specific knowledge.' Marieke Braks, chair of CELZ shares Jan's enthusiasm: 'During the working visits, we heard the motto 'if it can be done somewhere, it can be done here'. And we have seen and experienced that! We are proud of and impressed by the design, structure and scientific research of this target group network and experience it as an important milestone that the knowledge and expertise for these clients is recognised, available and further developed.'