The downside of CPR
Senders, K., Lavrijsen, J., & van Erp, W.
1 April 2021Summary
Background and purpose
A large proportion of the residents in geriatric medicine drop out during the training, some after the initiative of the head of the training. Knowledge about the background to this is limited.
From 2011 to 2020, disputes between trainees and trainers about termination of the training were investigated by studying the rulings of the disputes committee of the Registration Committee for Medical Specialists (RGS).
The committee upheld the decision on the end of the training in 9 of the 11 rulings. Professionalism was insufficient in all judgments.
Shortcomings in medical practice are mentioned less often than shortcomings in competencies such as professionalism, communication and cooperation in residents unsuitable for geriatric medicine.