About us

Knowledge Centre LBS

The LBS Knowledge Center, in particular long-term care, forms the LBS Target Group Network together with  the expertise centers and the association. Based on the embedding of EENnacoma within the Radboudumc, it was asked whether the research group No One between Two Stools, would like to perform the function of Knowledge Center for the LBS target group. In 2023, the Knowledge Center was visited and recognized as an official Knowledge Center of the LBS Target Group Network. 

Logo knowledge center LBS.

Goals of the Knowledge Center LBS

  • Creating unity, cohesion and coordination in the network of care organizations with regard to the care for and support of people with LBS.
  • Developing and sharing knowledge, expertise and skills in the field of care for and support for people with LBS and their loved ones.

The Knowledge Centre carries out these goals in collaboration with the expertise centres that are affiliated with the LBS Target Group Network.

Activities of the Knowledge Centre

As a Knowledge Centre, we have the task of setting up a research infrastructure, ensuring a substantiated research agenda for the LBS target group and implementing it. This is done by, among other things:

  • Obtaining a grant for research
  • translate the results of research into useful products for practice
  • developing competency profiles
  • developing training courses that are in line with the latest insights for practice and competency profiles
  • data exchange via data systems
  • promote cooperation within the network