Recognised centres of expertise
Following research by KPMG (May 2019), the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has determined that a number of Low Volume High Complex Care (LVHC) target groups require specific knowledge and expertise to guarantee the quality of care now and in the future. This concerns clients with a long-term care need that requires specific knowledge and skills to guarantee the quality of care. People with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) belong to these target groups. It concerns a few dozen people in the Netherlands. Read more about the LBS target group definition here.
This highly complex care requires close cooperation between different disciplines within and outside the chain for LBS. Think of doctors, social workers, paramedics, GZ psychologists and experts in the field of nursing and care. They work together to contribute to good diagnostics and apply specific care programs to promote recovery of consciousness. An appropriate physical environment and expert guidance of the client and loved ones are also needed. Because of the accumulation of expertise, it is important that all necessary disciplines for this target group can be found under one roof.
This specialised care is provided in an institution or part of an institution and is called an expertise centre. This can be a Target Group Expertise Center (DEC) or a Regional Expertise Center (REC).
Target group Centres of expertise
Care organisations that offer the LIN programme are LBS centres of expertise in long-term care with a positive expert advice from the Committee for Long-Term Care Expertise Centres (CElz), also known as the Target Group Expertise Centres (DEC). These organisations have been independently assessed on the basis of quality criteria. Because they have successfully completed this independent visitation, care administration offices can purchase specialist care from these organisations. In this way, these organizations receive funding for this specific target group to realize appropriate care. In collaboration with the other healthcare institutions represented in the LBS target group network and the LBS Knowledge Centre, knowledge and expertise are developed, disseminated and applied.
Regional Centers of Expertise
LBS Expertise Centres in Long-Term Care that offer the Chronic Care Programme for people with LBS and that have received a positive expert opinion are called the Regional Expertise Centres (REC). These organisations have been independently assessed on the basis of quality criteria of the CElz. Because they have successfully completed this independent visitation, care administration offices can purchase specialist care from these organisations. In this way, these organizations receive funding for this specific target group to realize appropriate care. In collaboration with the other healthcare institutions represented in the LBS target group network and the LBS Knowledge Centre, knowledge and expertise are developed, disseminated and applied.