LBS target group network
LVHC target groups
Long-term care has a number of specific target groups where the number of clients is relatively low, while the need for care is high and complex. These are called the groups 'low volume, high complex', also known as the LVHC target groups. Specific knowledge and expertise are needed to be able to offer and guarantee the quality of care for these people. To improve this, the Ministry of Health, Science and Sport (VWS) decided in 2019 that an appropriate, sustainable knowledge infrastructure should be set up for these target groups. This is achieved by setting up a Target Group Network for each LVHC target group. Each Target Group Network consists of one central Knowledge Centre and a number of expertise centres where specialist care is provided. The LVHC target groups are financed from the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz).
People with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS)
The target group of people with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) is one of these LVHC target groups. People with LBS have awakened from a coma after severe acute brain injury, but show no or only minimal signs of consciousness.
In recent years, a care chain for people with LBS has been set up. Specialised institutions work together to realise appropriate care, following the acute phase in the hospital. The institutions that offer specialist care and treatment to people with LBS in long-term care are united in the LBS Target Group Network. We call these institutions expertise centres.
Knowledge Centre LBS
The LBS Knowledge Center, in particular long-term care, forms the LBS Target Group Network together with the expertise centers and the association. Based on the embedding of EENnacoma within the Radboudumc, it was asked whether the research group No One between Two Stools, would like to perform the function of Knowledge Center for the LBS target group. In 2023, the Knowledge Center was visited and recognized as an official Knowledge Center of the LBS Target Group Network.
Association Target Group Network LBS
The LBS Target Group Network association has formally existed since March 15, 2023. The association was established in accordance with the LVHC frameworks to promote cohesion and coordination between healthcare organizations in the LBS chain and is part of the LVHC network. In this way, unity is ensured in the care for and support of people with LBS. In addition, the association focuses on developing and sharing knowledge, expertise and skills about care and support for people with LBS in collaboration with the LBS Knowledge Center.
Recognised centres of expertise
There are two types of expertise centres: Target Group Expertise Centre (DEC) and Regional Expertise Centre (REC). The centres of expertise work together with the LBS Knowledge Centre on knowledge development, dissemination and application for people with LBS.