About brain injury

Guide LBS

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Our goal

The purpose of the LBS guide is to provide a clear overview of the most appropriate care for people with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS) at the right time.

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For whom

The guide is mainly intended for relatives of people with LBS In addition, it is a useful tool for healthcare professionals to see which care is appropriate at what time.

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Currently, a lot of work is being done in the Netherlands to make the care and treatment for people with LBS even better. We therefore keep the guide as up-to-date as possible.

Guide LBS

As loved ones of someone with a long-term disorder of consciousness (LBS), you have a lot to deal with. Especially in the beginning, everything is new and you probably don't know where you stand. What treatment process can my family member, friend or acquaintance enter? What are the steps in this process? Which healthcare institutions are there where we can go? These are all questions that may be on your mind at the moment. That is why we have created a guide for you that shows the different phases of the treatment process. In addition, it can also give healthcare professionals an overview of which care is appropriate at what time. Click on the button below to go to the LBS guide.